TALLman + CDC/NIOSH Update 2024.12

Don Lawson -


MILT Update 4013 added a new feature that checks entered text against the FDA and ISMP Lists of Look-Alike Drug Names with Recommended Tall Man (Mixed Case) Letters. If a match is found, MILT suggests the recommended formatting ( i.e. buPROPion and busPIRone instead of BUPROPION and BUSPIRONE.) This feature is provided for informational purposes only. It is not provided as, or intended to be, a substitute for expert pharmacological knowledge.

Update 2024.12 replaces the list with the current recommendations from the FDA and the ISMP.


MILT Update 4013 added a new feature that looks for the generic names of medications from the NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings, 2016 in text fields. When found, MILT alerts the user that they might be working with a hazardous medication and recommends caution. This feature is provided for informational purposes only. It is not provided as, or intended to be, a substitute for expert pharmacological knowledge.

Update 2024.12 replaces that list with the current recommendations of the CDC/NIOSH as per the List of Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings, 2024


CLICK HERE TO UPDATE:  http://medidosesupport.com/SupportFiles/MILT/TALLmanCDCNIOSH2024.htm

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