Update 4010 (from 4003-4009 Only)

Don Lawson -

Public Release Date:


Release Notes:

NEW - Pre-Check Feature: Add Pre-Check in Settings-Roles and those users will need approval before they can print a job. A user who is allowed to approve jobs can review the job and then enter their user ID and password to allow the job to print. The person who approved the job will be recorded in the electronic log.

NEW - Timeout Feature: Set a Timeout value in Settings-General and the program will drop the database connection after being inactive for the set number of minutes. The user can click OK on the prompt to reconnect without effecting their current work and settings. This feature is designed to minimize the chances of the database becoming corrupted when the program is left open and the user switches Windows user on the computer.  We recommend a value between 5-10 minutes. The default value of 0 (zero) disables this feature.

FIXED - Reports Tab - You can now choose the printer used for reports instead of MILT using your default Windows printer.

FIXED Formulary Tab - Using PROMPT on second date field was overwriting the format of the first date field

FIXED Formulary Tab - Saving a medication was not refreshing the Formulary list automatically

FIXED Formulary Tab - Selected template was not always set by default when you attempt to save a medication

FIXED Template Tab - Selected template name was not always displayed correctly on the template tab

FIXED Find - MILT now remembers the "in" setting (All, FDA NDC or Formulary) so it does not have to be chosen each time

FIXED Dates - Incorrect date format "MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm" has been replaced with "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" to fix printing error

FIXED Import - "Keep Local Backup" option was not loading saved value correctly

FIXED Import - Added note about how to change field names to match imported data to the notice at the end of import

FIXED Backup - Manual backup path was not remembered for next use

FIXED Backup - Selected scheduled backup path was not appending a "\" to the end of the path

FIXED Export - Export path was not remembered for next use

FIXED Settings - Removed "favorite" from all settings save prompts

FIXED Labels - Removed "Default Quantities" to minimize confusion

FIXED Database Version - MILT checks database version at login to see if the database is at a higher build number than the executable and suggests that the user upgrades the executable to match (will not activate until database 4011 and executable 4010 or higher)


  1. Current build must be 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008 or 4009 (check Help - About for your build number). If you are on a build lower than 4003 you must uninstall and re-install from here: MILT4DEMO.exe (Version 4010)
  2. Close MILT 4 on all computers
  3. 64 Bit Windows - Download and run:  MILT4010-64.exe
    OR - 
    32 Bit Windows - Download and run: MILT4010-32.exe 
    NOTE - If you receive an error, find the downloaded file, right click on it and choose "Run as Administrator"
  4. Open MILT 4 on this computer so it can update the database.
  5. Repeat Step 3 on each computer where you have MILT 4 installed.
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