Formulary Save

Don Lawson -

The Formulary Save Button will allow you to save an item to your Formulary.

You can choose to overwrite the existing item or save it as a new medication.  You can also assign a Label and a Template to this item. If you do, each time someone picks this item from the Formulary the chosen Label and Template will be activated.


Clicking the OK Button will continue saving the current item.

The Help Button displays basic help information about the Formulary Save Menu.  If you choose "More Information...." you will come to this page for full documentation.



Selecting Overwrite will overwrite the current item.

Save as New Medication:

Selecting Save as New Medication will save the current information as a new item in your Formulary.


The Label selected on this list will activate when someone chooses your saved item from the Formulary.


The Template selected on the list will activate when someone chooses your saved item from the Formulary.

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