MILT 3.0 - Update - 3.0.05e

Don Lawson -


Release Notes:
  • Inline Update - All existing data and Label Patterns remain after update.
  • Easier Bar Code Menu - Redesigned to make choosing your bar code settings easier.
  • New Re-sizable Bar Codes - Now you can make your bar codes as big or small as needed.
  • New LiquiDose Square Labels - Support for our new three new square labels.
  • New LiquiDose Flag and Receipt Labels - Support for our two new Flag and Receipt labels.
  • New Zebra Printer Support - Now you can choose from the Zebra LP2844 or the Zebra GK420d Direct Thermal Printers.
  • New Export Function - Export your Formulary, Log or User data to a CSV file.
  • New Time-Out Function - Program locks when not used for a predetermined time.
  • Known Issue Resolutions -
    • Blank Bar Code Issue - Stops user from printing if there is no data in the bar code.
    • MM/YY Issue - Correctly represents date formats with no days when switching from long months to short months.
    • Local User Rights Issue - Local files moved to Microsoft recommended location to minimize user rights issues.
    • Controlled Symbol Issue - Font color applies to the "C" and the Roman Numeral.


  • We strongly recommend that you backup your database before you run the update (Tools - File - Backup).

  • This is not the full program.  You must install the program from a CD before you can run this update.

  • Your current version number, which can be found on the Login Screen, must be at least Version 3.0.04a.

1. Close MILT 3.0.  If you have MILT 3.0 on multiple computers and they are sharing a database, close MILT 3.0 on all computers before you begin the update.
2. Click here to download the update: MILT3005e.exe
3. On the "File Download - Security Warning" screen, choose <RUN>

4. On the "Security Warning" screen, choose <RUN>
5. On the "WinZip Self-Extractor" screen, choose <UNZIP>


6. If you are using MILT 3.0 on more than one computer, verify that you can log in on this first computer, then close the program and repeat the update on the other computers.

NOTE - Depending on your security settings, Windows Vista and Windows 7 users may be presented with a UAC notification each time they launch the program.  This is normal and may be ignored.
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