If you installed a demo version and then purchase MILT 4 from Medi-Dose or a distributor you will be provided with an account number and key. You do not need to re-install when you go from demo to live – just enter the Account and Key provided and click Save.
Require Login
If checked, users will be required to login to MILT 4. If not checked, the login menu will not appear when you open the program, and all user activity will be recorded as the SUP user.
CDC NIOSH List Matching
This feature is provided for informational purposes only. It is not provided as, or intended to be, a substitute for expert pharmacological knowledge.
If checked, MILT will notify you whenever you leave a Data Field, and whenever you select a medication from the formulary, if it finds text that MIGHT match a medication name found in the the CDC NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings, 2016. If a match is found, It SUGGESTS that you may want to take precautions when handling this medication.
Recommendations - Tall Man Lettering (Build 4013 or Higher)
This feature is provided for informational purposes only. It is not provided as, or intended to be, a substitute for expert pharmacological knowledge.
If checked, MILT will suggest that known drug names should be formatted in the tall man lettering style (DOPamine instead of DOPAMINE) as recommended by the FDA and ISMP when you leave a Data Field.
Recommendations - Formatting (Build 4014 or Higher)
This feature is provided for informational purposes only. It is not provided as, or intended to be, a substitute for expert pharmacological knowledge.
This optional feature compares text users enter against most of the ISMP List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations. If a possible match is found information is provided to help them decide if they want to change the text to decrease the likelihood of it being misread. (PLEASE NOTE - When automated, some of the ISMP recommendations caused too many "false positive" results and where therefore not implemented. A list of the recommendations that have been implemented can be found here.)
Recommendations - Check Formulary (Build 4013 or Higher)
Clicking Check Formulary will review all the current entries in your formulary against for Tall Man Lettering (4013 or Higher) and/or Formatting (4014 or Higher). Depending on the size of your formulary, this may take considerable time to complete as you will need to approve each change. You will be given an estimate of how long it could take, and then prompted after each 25 records with an opportunity to quit processing if it is taking longer than expected.
Find (Build 4011 or Higher)
Beginning with Build 4011, MILT 4 now includes the Health Canada Drug Product Directory (HC DPD) as well as the FDA NDC database for the Find feature. From this field, you can switch between the two sources.
Controlled Symbol Font (Build 4014 or Higher)
While ISMP recommends the use of Arabic Numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in controlled symbols instead of Roman (I, II, III, IV, V), the FDA has not required manufacturers to implement this recommendation. Some customers have expressed concern that this could lead to confusion. To mitigate this concern, update 4014 now allows you to choose either Arabic or Roman for your controlled symbols. Additionally, if one of the fonts is missing on a computer, MILT 4 will replace it with an existing font.
Timeout (Build 4010 or Higher)
The Timeout feature will automatically disconnect the program from the database after the set number of minutes of inactivity. This can protect your database from becoming corrupt in an environment where users often switch Windows users on a computer. When the timeout occurs, the user just needs to click OK on the prompt and they will be reconnected without losing any of their data or current work.
A computer must be at least running Build 4010 for this feature to work on that computer. If this value is set to 0 (zero) it is disabled.
Archive PDF of Print Jobs (Build 4014 or Higher)
If activated, MILT will store a PDF copy of every print job which can be accessed through a link when you preview Packaging Log Reports. These files can be saved, copied, transferred, and even emailed to someone, but they can not be printed for security reasons.
You can adjust the Retention setting to choose a number of months to keep these files if drive space is a concern. The default setting of 0 means files will be kept forever. Any other setting will cause MILT to delete Archive PDF files older than the number of months set here.
Compare turns on and off the date comparison feature. If turned on, MILT will compare the two date fields and alert you if one is less than the other when you try to preview or print a label. For example, this feature could stop you printing a label with an expiration or beyond use date that was later than the manufacturer’s expiration date. The available settings are:
- (None) turns off this feature
- Date 1 (default Exp) must be less than Date 2 (default Mfr Exp) – most common scenario
- Date 3 must be less than Date 1 – included in case you have changed the names and purposes of the two date fields
- Date 1 (default Exp) must be less than 1/2 of the remaining time until Date 2 (default Mfr Exp)
- Date 2 must be less than 1/2 of the remaining time until Date 1 – included in case you have changed the names and purposes of the two date fields
- Date 1 (default Exp) must be less than 1/4 of the remaining time until Date 2 (default Mfr Exp)
- Date 2 must be less than 1/4 of the remaining time until Date 1 – included in case you have changed the names and purposes of the two date fields
Note - The 1/2 of Mfr Exp was added with update 4014.1. The 1/4 was added with update 4014.2.
Calc 1 and Calc 2
From these fields, you can turn on and off the Date Calculation for each of the two date fields. You can also set a default calculation for each field here.
Change Saved Calcs (Build 4014 or Higher)
MILT 4 can save a different Date Calc for each medication (i.e. one saved medication calculates a Beyond Use Date of Today + 1 Year, and another could be Today + 6 Months.) If your internal policies on beyond use dating change, you would have to update each medication individually. With the new Change Saved Calcs Feature, you can select medications by Label Type and current Date Calc, and update them all to a new Date Calc in one step (i.e. for all Laser Lid-Label MD24x-23x using 1 Year, update them to 6 Months.)
Short and Long
These are the default date formats used everywhere in MILT 4, with the exception of the two dates fields on the main screen, which are formatted by the selected Date Calculation. Note that these options should coincide with the formats used in your Windows system settings. For example, if your Windows system settings display days before months instead of the U.S. standard of months before days, you should choose the same options here.
Manage Date Formats (Build 4014 or Higher)
From this menu, you can edit, add and delete available date formats (i.e. yyyy/MM/dd = 2017/08/01) for use throughout MILT.