The default settings entered on this screen are based on the most common settings we have seen customers use. They may be changed to suit your specific needs.
Choose a name for each of your fields. This helps your staff know what information you need for each medication, and helps keep your information organized. Good organization here will be important when you are designing templates later.
OPEN = The field is open for data entry.
PROMPT = Users will be prompted to provide this information each time they select a medication from the formulary.
LOCKED = This field is locked for data entry. Only users who have the right to edit locked fields (see Roles below) can change this data.
Match up the FDA NDC / HC DPD fields with your fields so medications imported on the Find menu put the right information in the right field.
Expert User Note
If Auto-Lot is turned on then the field (see line 4 in the image above) selected on that menu will not have a Type or FDA NDC (or HC DPD) option because that field can only be used for the Auto-Lot.