Settings - Roles

Don Lawson -


Roles determine your rights within MILT 4.  You can create as many roles as you need, and then each user will be assigned a role that determines their rights.


Choose a name for your Role.  The name should be meaningful to your staff, like a job title or a type of work.

Check Boxes

For each Role, the checks selected will determine the rights of the people assigned that role.


Edit Locked Fields: If checked, a user with this role can edit fields that have been set to Type “Locked” on the Settings-Fields Menu.

Edit Prompted Fields: If checked, a user with this role can edit fields that have been set to Type “Prompt” on the Settings-Fields Menu.

Save Items: If checked, a user with this role can save new medications and/or overwrite existing medications to the formulary.

Delete Items: If checked, a user with this role can delete medications from the formulary. Deleting a medication from the formulary does not remove the history of this item having been printed, it will just not be available to choose and print again in the future.



Pre-Check Required: If checked, a user with this role will be stopped from printing any label until someone with the “Can Approve” right enters their User ID and Password at the prompt. A record of the user who approved the job is kept in the log. Most commonly, this feature is only activated for new hires to keep them from wasting label stock because it stops the user from packaging the medications that is then usually visually checked and approved by a pharmacist before it can be released.

As of Update 4014, if Pre-Check is not required jobs will be internally marked as "N/A" but the reports will display without information in the Pre-Check fields so you can hand write the information on your printed reports.

Post-Check Required: If checked, a user with this role will be able to print the label, but the job will go to the Approval Step instead of directly to the log.  This allows someone with the “Can Approve” right the chance to approve or reject a print job before it will go to the log.

As of Update 4014, if Post-Check is not required jobs will be internally marked as "N/A" but the reports will display without information in the Post-Check fields so you can hand write the information on your printed reports.

Can Approve: If checked, a user with this role can Pre-Check and Post-Check jobs for other users, but not for their own jobs.

Can Approve Own: If checked, a user with this role can Pre-Check and Post-Check their own jobs.  

ADVANCE EXAMPLE: If you wanted every job to be double checked by another user, you could give all users Pre-Check Required and Can Approve.  Any user would have to get a second user to approve the job before they could print the label.

Find (Build 4014.2 or Higher)

All: If checked, a user with this role can search all databases on the Find Menu.

Formulary: If checked, a user with this role can search the formulary database on the Find Menu.

FDA NDC or HC DPD: If checked, a user with this role can search the FDA NDC or HC DPD database on the Find Menu (see Settings – General to change between these two.)

ADVANCE EXAMPLE: If you wanted users to be limited to only searching the formulary, remove the checks from All and FDA NDC or HC DPD. When they go to the Find Menu, Formulary will be their only choice. Note that if you only remove a check from Formulary or FDA NDC or HC DPD, but leave All active, the user will not be able to select the inactive one specifically, but MILT will still search it. To truly turn off access to one of the lists, All must be inactive.


Choose Label: If checked, a user with this role can choose which label a medication will be printed on. Without it, they will have to keep the label type that was saved with the medication. This right is rarely taken away from anyone.


Choose Template: If checked, a user with this role can choose which template a medication will be printed on. Without it, they will have to keep the template that was saved with the medication.

Edit Templates: If checked, a user with this role can edit the items on a template, but if they do not have Save Templates then any changes they make will revert when they log out or switch templates.

Save Templates: If checked, a user with this role can save templates. Most commonly, only advanced users are given this right.

Delete Templates: If checked, a user with this role can delete templates. Most commonly, only advanced users are given this right.


View Packaging Log: If checked, a user with this role can view the Packaging log with the history of all jobs printed.

View User Activity Log: If checked, a user with this role can view the User Activity log with the history of all actions performed in the program.


Access Settings Menu: If checked, a user with this role can access the Settings Menu, which means they could change all global settings, including giving themselves more permissions. Most users do not need this right.

Translate: If checked, a user with this role can right-click on buttons and labels thoughout the program and change the text displayed.  Most commonly, this feature would be used to translate the interface to another language, but it could even be used to change the text on items to better suit your needs. For example, one facility changed the name of the Login Menu to include the name of their location because they had more than one copy of the software installed.

Change Margins: If checked, a user with this role can will be able to change the margin settings for a label type on the Preview screen. Because these settings are saved automatically with the label type whenever they are changed, some customers only wanted certain users to have the right to change them.

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