Terminal Server / Citrix

Don Lawson -

MILT 4 is designed to be locally installed on a computer running Windows. The database can be published to a network folder, and other computers that have MILT 4 installed locally can share that same database. In this situation, we strongly recommend that the network folder be accessed over the local area network (LAN), not the slower and less reliable wide area network (WAN).

In some environments, where network resources are centralized, or programs aren’t installed locally on computers, customers have chosen to publish the MILT 4 application from Terminal Servers, with or without Citrix. Here are some things to consider if you are planning to do this:

  • The entire purpose of MILT is to print labels. Terminal Server/Citrix (TS/C) recreates a client’s printers on the server when they connect, and it matches the printers up with drivers already installed on the server. For all laser labels, this has never been a problem. For thermal labels, which are printed by very exacting Zebra printers, we have seen issues. Even installed locally, the driver version and its settings can have a huge effect on the reliability of thermal printers. On a TS/C, great care must be taken with the naming of printers, and in the drivers installed both locally, and on the server. This is not insurmountable, but set aside time for troubleshooting if you need thermal in a TS/C environment. As an example, for one customer who had a mix of 32 and 64 Bit clients, they had to change these setting to get the right driver to install instead of the universal driver:
    • Install the printer driver (32 and 64 bit) on the servers
    • Create Citrix printing policy with the following settings
      • Auto-Create all client printers
      • Use universal printing only if requested driver is unavailable
    • Apply to all MILT users
  • The program is installed normally on the TS/C, just as if you were installing MILT on a desktop. If your TS/C doesn’t have a C: drive, after the install, go to your program files folder, Medidose, MILT4, and edit the MILT40EXE.cfg file with notepad to change the drive letter in the first line.
  • Anyone who will use MILT needs to have WRITE permissions to the Medidose folder, and all of its subfolders, in Program Files for 32 Bit, or Program Files (x86) for 64 Bit, and in ProgramData for either.

Most customers with TS/C publish their database to a folder on a separate file server so they can have program installs on multiple TS/C all using the same data. This can be performed in the program from Settings-Network. If there is no data in that network folder, MILT publishes this computer’s data there. If there is, MILT just connects this computer. All MILT users will need to have WRITE permissions to this network folder.

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