Public Release Date:
Release Notes:
NEW - Multi-Purpose Blister (MPB) Added: MILT 4 now supports our new, larger blister (1.5" X 1.5" X either 0.625" deep or 1.25" deep) and larger label area (2" X 2") which is perfect for large doses, multiple items, repacking existing unit dose items, and soon for lotions and ointments. Use the new Laser Lid-Label MD18xx to print labels for this new blister type.
NEW - Error-Prone Formatting Check Feature: This optional feature compares entered text against most of the ISMP List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations. When a possible match is found, information is provided to help you decide if you want to change the text to decrease the likelihood of it being misread. (PLEASE NOTE - When automated, some of the ISMP recommendations caused too many "false positive" results and were therefore not implemented. A list of the recommendations that have been implemented can be found here.)
NEW - Archive PDF Feature: If activated, this feature will store a copy of each print job as a PDF that can be accessed via a link in the Packaging Log Report. These files can be saved, copied, transferred, and even emailed to someone, but as a security measure, they can't be printed. The retention period for these files can be limited to preserve storage space.
NEW - Secure ID Feature: After updating to 4014, all text stored in the log for each print job is processed by a mathematical algorithm to create a Secure ID. If you choose to activate the Verify feature when printing your Packaging Logs, MILT will compare the Secure ID to the stored text and notify you if the data has been altered after it was created.
NEW - Reporting Features: The following enhancements have been made to the reporting features:
- Summary Style: In addition to the current Detail Style that displays three records per page in portrait orientation, the new Summary Style displays eleven records per page in landscape orientation.
- Grouping: Sort and group your data by up to three fields.
- Totals: The number of doses printed are sub-totaled by the grouping you select, and then totaled for the report. The total number of groups and jobs are also counted for the report.
- Filter: In addition to the normal date range and the approved/rejected status filters, data can now be limited by matching one field to any text (Is Exactly, Begins With, Ends With or Contains.)
- Archive PDF: If an archived PDF copy of the original print job exist, the report will include a link to display this file.
- Verify: The contents of each log record is verified against the Secure ID created when it was stored. If the information has been tampered with, the report will mark that record as having failed verification. At the end of the report, a count of records that passed, failed, or have no Secure ID data is presented, along with a verification that records have not been deleted from your log.
NEW - Change Saved Calcs Feature: MILT 4 can save a different Date Calc for each medication (i.e. one saved medication calculates a Beyond-Use Date of Today + 1 Year, and another could be Today + 6 Months.) If your internal policies on beyond-use dating change, you would have to update each medication individually. With the new Change Saved Calcs Feature, you can select medications by Label Type and current Date Calc, and update them all to a new Date Calc in one step (i.e. for all Laser Lid-Label MD24x-23x using 1 Year, update them to 6 Months.)
NEW - Manage Date Formats: With this feature, users can now edit, add and delete available date formats (i.e. yyyy/MM/dd = 2017/08/01.)
NEW - Date Calc Rounding: This improvement to the Date Calc feature allows you to optionally round the results of the date calculation to the first or the last day of the month (i.e. if today is 8/15/2017, and the Date Calc is Today + 1 Year Rounded to the Last Day of Month, the result would be 8/31/2018.)
NEW - Date Compare Options: The Date Compare Feature tests the two date fields before allowing a user to print labels to make sure the dates meet your requirements (i.e. Beyond Use Date Must be Less Than Mfr. Exp Date.) With update 4014.1, you can also enforce the increasing popular Beyond Use Date Must be Less Than 1/2 of the Remaining Time Until Mfr. Exp Date (i.e. today is 8/1/2017, Mfr Exp is 12/1/2017, then BUD can't be later than 10/2/2017.) When triggered, this feature will present the user with the latest date that meets the requirements, which they may accept or alter as needed. Update 4014.2 also includes Beyond Use Date Must be Less Than 1/4 of the Remaining Time Until Mfr. Exp Date.
NEW - Pump Feature: Customers using MILT 4 to print bar code labels for smart pumps can use the new Pump Feature to manage the process of creating, printing and verifying the bar codes.
NEW - Network Update Sharing: This feature will not change the current process until the next update is released. In the future, if you chose to install the next update on one computer, and you are sharing your database on the network, MILT will copy the update files to your network folder, and then the other workstations will be offered the option to use those files to update themselves the next time the program is opened. This feature will help you keep all you computers up to date with the latest build, without having to download those files from the Internet at each computer.
NEW - Limit Find Options: By role, administrators can limit access to the databases that can be searched by the user on the Find Menu (4014.2).
FIXED - Pre-Checked and Post-Checked On and By: Previously, if you didn't require a Pre-Check and/or Post-Check for print jobs, MILT 4 would mark those jobs as being approved by the user who printed the job. Now, if Pre-Check and/or Post-Check are not required, those jobs are internally marked as "N/A" and displayed without information on Packaging Logs, leaving those spaces open for you to handwrite information on the printed report.
FIXED - Controlled Font: While ISMP recommends the use of Arabic Numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in controlled symbols instead of Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, V), the FDA has not required manufacturers to implement this recommendation. Some customers have expressed concern that this could lead to confusion. To mitigate this concern, update 4014 now allows you to choose either Arabic or Roman for your controlled symbols. Additionally, if one of the fonts is missing on a computer, MILT 4 will replace it with an existing font.
FIXED - Favorite Template: When you save a template, MILT 4 now shows the Favorite box checked for the current favorite template. The favorite is the first template displayed when you are creating a new medication or selecting an imported item that does not have an assigned template.
FIXED - Preview: To improve speed, MILT 4 no longer requires a preview before printing. Users may still preview if desired, but MILT 4 does not show a preview by default, or require you to preview before allowing you to print.
FIXED - Preview and Print: MILT 4 disables all user input and control temporarily while preparing a preview or printing a document to ensure that data is not altered during this process.
FIXED - Reporting - International Date Issues: In addition to storing date information in your preferred format, MILT now stores all date information in a standardized format of yyyyMMddHHmmss, and uses this new format internally when it queries records. This fixes report issues where incorrect date ranges were being selected.
FIXED - Check Formulary: Added prompt to check with user after each 25 records, giving them the option to stop checking the formulary if it is taking more time than they have expected.
FIXED - Translations: Many improvements have been made to the French and Spanish translations.
FIXED - Swap Menu Error: Repaired the Swap Menu issue where user selection of the first field to swap was being ignored.
FIXED - Find Menu: Repaired brackets (i.e. [ or ]) issue in search criteria that caused MILT to return too many results.
FIXED - Bar Code AI: Repaired processing of custom date formats in Application Identifiers when creating bar codes.
FIXED - CDC NIOSH Error: Corrected entry Bicalutamide (was Bicalutimide.)
FIXED - Export: Log and Formulary exports now display user selected field names instead of internal column names. Formulary export now displays Label and Template names instead of internal ID numbers.
FIXED - Help-Manual: Repaired link so it points to the Documentation section of the support web site.
FIXED - Main Screen: MILT 4 now minimizes the main window at the beginning of the close process to improve the user experience.
FIXED - Install: Logo was the wrong size on the installer screens.
FIXED - LDF100 & LDF200: Fixed setting that occasionally caused report to spill over a page accidentally.
FIXED - Default Margins: LDS300 Bottom = 0.40, LDS300 Top = 0.25, LD8200 Bottom = 0.50
FIXED - Program Timeout: Fixed Program Timeout that was still timing after it had logged the program out, which caused the event to repeat over and over, effectively nullifying the Database Timeout and increasing the likelihood of the database becoming corrupted or locked.
FIXED - Login Behavior: When the login screen is active, the main screen of the program is no longer visible in order to limit user confusion about who is currently logged in.
FIXED - Database Timeout Local Override: With update 4014.2, the global database timeout setting can be overridden on a per computer basis for settings of less than one minute (e.g. 0.25 = 1/4 minute = 15 seconds.)
- Current build must be 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009, 4010, 4011, 4012 or 4013 (check Help - About for your build number). If you are on a build lower than 4003 you must uninstall and re-install from here: MILT4DEMO.exe (Version 4014)
- If this is the first 4014.2 install in your environment, close MILT 4 on ALL computers first.
- Download and run: MILT4014.2.exe
NOTE - If you receive an error, find the downloaded file, right click on it and choose "Run as Administrator" - Follow the onscreen instructions.
- If you have MILT installed on more than one computer, open MILT once on this first computer to update the database. Then repeat Step 3 on each computer where you have MILT 4 installed (after the first one, MILT only needs to be closed on the computer you are updating.)